Services Offered

Tree Wrought provides a wide range of tree services based on clients’ needs and objectives.

Tree Care


We prune with a light touch, aiming to not only preserve but enhance the tree or shrub’s natural character. We prune with a consideration for the ongoing ecological connections between woody plants and wildlife, ensuring that we keep those crucial connections intact.


We consider tree removals a last resort to meet objectives. Oftentimes, targeted and thoughtful pruning addresses concerns well enough that whole tree removal would be overkill (pun intended). But, for the occasional cases where removal is warranted we can process and retain the resulting debris into what it would have been had the tree lived out its life–downed logs and branches–to promote ecosystem health.


Planting trees and shrubs is a longterm commitment. We can help you to select species that are locally adapted to your area, and site them where they will do best. We utilize planting techniques that ensure your new tree or shrub has the best chance of living a long and healthy life.

Habitat Enhancement

Old, gnarled, and otherwise wizened trees are foundational to ecosystems, urban and wild alike. They provide wildlife of all kinds with numerous forms of habitat ranging from nesting shelter to foraging opportunities. In areas lacking old-growth trees, their special habitat features–like dead limbs, cavities, and broken stems–can be imitated using chainsaws to carve these features into selected trees. Trees that otherwise need to be removed are great candidates for this practice!


Individual Trees

Consultations can include basic to advanced assessments with recommendations concerning tree health, risk, and stewardship.

Tree Populations

Consultations can include basic to advanced assessments with recommendations concerning tree health, risk, and stewardship over a wide area. To help manage large numbers of trees, we can produce a GPS-based tree inventory and Tree Management Plan.

Second Opinions

Receive a bid or recommendation that just doesn’t sit right? We can offer you a second (potentially surprising) opinion about it.

Forest Farming

Non-timber forest products abound! If you own a woodlot, we can help you grow select market crops like ginseng, bloodroot, and ramps. But, if timber is more your thing, we can help with that too!

Arborist Services for Trees and Construction

We can provide on-site arborist support when construction regulations call for it.

Environmental Monitoring

We can help support state and industrial endeavors by ensuring compliance with applicable regulations.

Your landscape is waiting for you…

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Ever wonder how a tree or a forest is at one moment a perfect expression of life, filtering sound, light, air and water with silent ease. All while converting sunlight into energy enough to support life on earth…and at the same moment a perfect expression of life, as a telephone pole, house, chair, tool, table, book, paper, pencil, baseball bat, violin, barrel, boat, basket, fuel and medicine. Just to name a few.

Forests are some of the most life abundant and biodiverse ecosystems on the planet. And humans, well, we seem to feel real smart about our large-scale exploitation and degradation of them. Let’s just say; we have a complex relationship with the whole species spectrum/composition of forests. Their influence upon streams alone makes farming possible. Forests prevent floods and draught. And the raw materials (lumber) forests provide, without which cities, railroads, and all the great achievements of material progress would have been long delayed or wholly impossible, are a testament to how the forest is as beautiful as it is useful.