Build a relationship with your trees

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Services Offered

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Tree Consultations

Define goals for your trees, establishing a forest profile if applicable, and generating recommendations for stewardsh

Tree Care

Removals and pruning jobs

Tree Planting

Repopulate your forest!

Environmental Monitoring

support state and industrial endeavors by assessing compliance with regulations


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Book an appointment

Ever wonder how a tree or a forest is at one moment a perfect expression of life, filtering sound, light, air and water with silent ease. All while converting sunlight into energy enough to support life on earth…and at the same moment a perfect expression of life, as a telephone pole, house, chair, tool, table, book, paper, pencil, baseball bat, violin, barrel, boat, basket, fuel and medicine. Just to name a few.

Forests are some of the most life abundant and biodiverse ecosystems on the planet. And humans, well, we seem to feel real smart about our large-scale exploitation and degradation of them. Let’s just say; we have a complex relationship with the whole species spectrum/composition of forests. Their influence upon streams alone makes farming possible. Forests prevents floods and draught. And the raw materials (lumber) of forests, without which cities, railroads, and all the great achievements of material progress would have been long delayed or wholly impossible.

The Forest is as beautiful as it is useful.