About Us

A little bit about the folks at Tree Wrought…

Alan Clark (ISA Certified Arborist #PN-63060A) grew up surrounded by forests, sparking a lifelong passion for trees. With a solid background in forest management, ecology, and mycology, he has gained extensive experience through diverse roles; from a aerial technician for a Forest Service air quality project to an apprentice to a Native American tribal gardener. He holds a forestry degree from Paul Smiths College of the Adirondacks and a BA/BS in Forest Ecology from The Evergreen State College. Alan transitioned from guiding wilderness expeditions to becoming a production arborist, promoting plant health care without chemicals. He has spent the last decade improving soil health and managing the risk of 19,000+ trees in Central Park, NYC. Alan’s work is inspired by the knowledge and guidance of many friends and colleagues he’s met on his journey.

Tree Wrought” for a lack of better words basically describes the origin of our existence, and the present, and the future. Both we ourselves and the work we do are shaped by trees.

Fabrice Rochelemagne (ISA Certified Arborist #PD-2230AT, TRAQ) is an arborist who previously worked at Central Park Conservancy and the New York Botanical Garden. He originally got sucked into the tree world one day when he was deadwooding a beautiful old weeping hemlock at Brooklyn Botanical Garden in 2011. Sometimes he wonders if his whole life has been a daydream and really he’s still up in that heady hemlock just pluggin’ away. He holds a BA in English from Hunter College and a master’s in Urban Forestry and Natural Resource Management from Oregon State University. Fabrice strives to reimagine arboricultural practices so that tree work operations like deadwood pruning or tree removal add to the landscape rather than subtract from it.